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A busy and fun week for Year 3


The week started with lots of excellent work in class and then a trip to the pool on Tuesday for a swimming lesson.

On Wednesday, Year 3 visited Kents Cavern and they all had a fantastic time! They took part in a woodland trail to find out more about the animals that were around in prehistoric times, they held real and replica artifacts and had a tour of the dark caves. The tour guide was very impressed with their knowledge and questions, well done Year 3!

On Thursday, the class headed to forest school where they explored the site and used their knowledge from the Kents Cavern trip. They gathered materials to create tools for hunting and surviving the Stone Age and also built their own 'caves' in the style of their prehistoric ancestors!

While at forest school, the class worked in small groups to create a presentation about their visit to Kents Cavern. They presented to the rest of the class and had the chance to tell everyone about their interesting facts and their favourite part of the trip. They also enjoyed showcasing their fantastic tools and the 'caves' they had made!


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